Thursday September 13, 2012

happy bits of life the last while.

^^my tomato crop. yep. all one of them. suffice it to say that i was better suited to feeding a baby this summer instead of my tomato plants. i am, however, happy to see this one lone fruit hanging. i am counting on seeds to start next years heirloom crop from that gem!

^^my cup and saucer plant. i am so happy to show you this picture. i go out there to this plant/vine nearly every day and smile. it makes me so happy that i bought this plant in the spring. i think it is delicately beautiful.

^^thank you Southern Living for the inspiration to grow dahlias. i am so enjoying these striking beauties.

^^verbena blossoms.

^^seeds pods and the textures of fall.

^^dusk at the park.

^^nightly welcoming dad gets from these three. he is the best in all our eyes.

^^boy on balance beam holding tight to dad’s finger lest he fall.

^^action. always action.

^^sitting back and taking it all in. every.single.bit.

^^three that i love dearly.

^^and number four. love her just as much.

^^the four who have changed my life in ways i would never want to reverse.

^^quiet and calm.

^^happy. always happy.

^^feeding ducks the leftover pizza crust.

^^the brotherhood.

^^a little neighborhood picnic and the excitement of so many little ones over a pinata. we honestly live in the best of little towns. and, have with it, the best of little neighbors. ♥♥

^^a rare day when i let the play doh out of hiding.

^^cleaning off the camera card and finding these pictures from June….

^^recognizing that some things, are just a guy thing. =)

^^painting all by himself.

^^thinking about how excited these kids are going to be when we have a family day this Saturday.

^^and, another find from the clean off. a night in June when we took in our small towns (pathetic) circus presentation.
this picture brings back such fun memories for me.

all these little bits of life.
sometimes, i just have to stop and pinch myself.
such a good life He has given me.
my heart can hardly stand it.

whatever your weekend holds, i hope it is awesome.
i know ours is going to be!


18 thoughts on “Thursday September 13, 2012

  1. Yes, you are a blessed woman.  Your family is so beautiful and happy too!Happy Thursday evening to you beautiful talented Rachel.ha ha, I had to laugh when you said you are better suited to feeding a baby this summer, instead of tomato plants.  I have told numerous folks who visited here this summer, “I’m raising children, not flowers”  My beds look pretty pathetic.  No garden. Period.

  2. I love the family pictures, but for some reason that swingset picture at the park just gets me. Makes me think of how not that long ago it seems I was a kid running up to swings just like that. Now my kids run up to swings just like that. phew. Your picture got all deep on me!

  3. What fun pictures! I especially love the one of the park at dusk, the empty swings and the one of your flower that you called the “cup and saucer plant.”  (Sorry, I just realized that none of my favorites have people in them.  That seems weird. But I guess it is true in this case so I will write it anyway.)  On second thought, I feel like I should include at least one favorite from the “people pictures”. I will go with the one of the kids in the driveway with Dad when he just got home from work. Love that one!

  4. like your little bits post!  Every one looks like they’re doing so well.  Just noticing your 3 older ones are sure growing up fast!  Well I think the weekend holds no plans so I think it’s just going to be relaxing around the house.  🙂

  5. fun pictures of summer! you have a sweet family!my husband was “mad” at me last year when someone gave us some of their extra heirloom tomatoes and i did not save the seeds. now i wish i would have, because they were SO GOOD and not as acidic. our tomatoes are so acidic this year that i, the tomato lover, am not going crazy over them.

  6. This was so much fun to read/look at. Once again your kids are SO ADORABLE. Nd you all gorgeous as ever. Love the all the pics. O how I love summer, but the cooler weather makes it a little easier to say goodbye to the blissful days of summer. Big weekend plans for hubby and I did not workout, but a family weekend sounds marvelous. Hope ya’ll have a wonderful weekend, and I will be checkin in for yet another lovely post:).

  7. i love your little bits of LIFE. and i loved that picture of you with the kids. you look so young. seriously!  the neighborhood picnic complete with pinata makes me want to start a trend here in stone lake….maybe i will.  and yep, i’m living the good, must-pinch-myself life too….even tho the fall days have me feeling a bit blue!

  8. Oh, I LOVED this!! So many beautiful pictures – you have such a great eye for photography!And i {loved} the picture of you with the kids. Your outfit is just fabulous!! And you look so wonderful for just having had a baby and for having four kids! So inspiring!Hope your weekend is every bit as fun as you hoped for. :)xoxo

  9. Loved, LOVED this sweet post Rachel! Your flowers are stunning!  Do you often harvest your own seeds?  I’ve been wanting to try it myself but have never taken the time.  I don’t know many people who grown tomatoes from seeds, it is hard?I think that might be the prettiest park I have ever seen!  You really do have a beautiful life Rachel 🙂  I can’t believe how big Miss Kate is getting! And she is looking to alert.  I bet she is smiling and making all kinds of darling noises.  It was good to get all caught up… I’ve been missing you!  

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