Saturday May 7, 2011

…..we celebrate Mother’s Day.
a day specified in honor of those who have birthed us,
those who have cared for us,
those who have raised us.
those who have loved us like no other human being on earth can.


my very first memory in life, i am under 2 years old, holding my mothers hand.
i’m standing in a house, surveying the wallpaper and bright blue carpet of our soon to be childhood home.
i’m reaching my little hand way up to hold my mothers.
she’s talking to a woman about the house, and i look up and see her pretty face, and i see her tummy round with the baby soon to be born.
and, that’s all i remember of that day.
but, i can see it like it was yesterday, and not the 33 years ago that it was.
it’s not a profound memory.
and, i’m grateful that it’s not a bad memory.
but, as i relive that memory tonight, i am emotional.
 a mom who has stood by my side for all these years.
a mom who has ‘held my hand’ through thick and thin.
a mom who, even though she is 1,200 miles away, i can count on.
a woman who has birthed 5 children
a woman who is the grandmother to 9.
a woman who has stood by my father for almost 38 years of marriage.
a woman who has risen above many a hard circumstance to become who God wants her to be.
a woman who has stood by family members through life and death.
a woman who has loved and lost deeply.
a woman whom i love more now that i’m a mother, than i did when i was not.


my favorite memory of Mother’s Day since becoming a mother myself is from 2 years ago.
it was the Sunday we dedicated Brent to the Lord before our church family and friends.
it was a Sunday when i felt the sting of the great separation of family because of distance.
it was a Sunday i felt blessed and honored to have named this little child after 2 men who have shaped his parents lives in ways we don’t even fully understand.

it was a Sunday when i was still feeling the effects of a newborn and the struggles of nursing.
but, it was Sunday when i relaxed and enjoyed.
it was a Sunday that was filled with blue sky and sunshine.
it was a day of not so much me being celebrated, as it was a day of me celebrating
this gift that is motherhood.
this gift, that, tho’ it wears me out like no other job i’ve had, is truly the best gift i’ve ever been given here on earth.
 the incredible responsibility and privilege to raise and nurture these 3 little souls from Him.

Happy Mother’s Day, and happy day of celebrating the gift that it is.


17 thoughts on “Saturday May 7, 2011

  1. I don’t know you mother but I know she must be wonderful because she raised such a wonderful daughter.  I liked seeing some older photos of your little family.  How much they have each changed in such a shot time 🙂  Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. what a beautiful legacy your mother has given…what beautiful children you have been blessed with, and called to be the mother of. I pray that tommorrow will be a reflection and celebration on those things that have been gleaned in the years of being a mother, and also looking ahead to the years ahead that will grow you and have these little people growing up and learning as well.

  3. i love hearing about other people’s mothers and their relationship with each other.i like to imagine what it must be like to be nurtured by a mom.sounds like i wasn’t, doesn’t it? :)i was. i know i was. it was just in a different way.and i am oh so grateful that i can truelly say with you that motherhood is indeed a gift. and there really is nothing that is more satisfying.there was a time when i had no idea of the “gift”.happy mother’s day to you. loved loved your “wish”.

  4. Happy mother’s Day Rachel. I love how you described your first memory of your mom, and also the photo of you at the baby dedication, you’ve got that ‘new mother’ look, but yet you’re just so preatty!

  5. Beautiful, Rachel! I am extremely impressed that you have a memory from when you were 2 years old.  And am happy for you that it is a good one.  My Mom is not your “typical” Mother and I have long struggled with that.   Maybe that’s what my children will say about me one day??You have such a beautiful and caring heart, my friend!

  6. Zachary wants to come to your house to ride on that tractor.  He wanted to know where you live and if people in Pennsylvania speak English. ;)Happy day to you.

  7. What a precious post. The first memory of your mother is SO dear. It makes me wonder what my children’s first memory will be of me? I doubt if it would be something so calm and sweet like that! Such a challenge!And your little family picture after Brent was born is so good! YOU look so good! Brent looks so tiny, but you don’t look like you had just been pregnant or been through labor! Wow!And the picture of Ava is so beautiful. Love how you captured the light in her hair!Happy Mother’s Day to you!

  8. @lin789 – i like what you said about knowing you too were nurtured by your mom, just in a different way… shayne and i listened to a message by mark driscoll going to cincy last time and he was saying how that even if we feel our parents didn’t do the greatest job, there is always something to be grateful for and to be able to give honor. that really struck me b/cause i know so many, in my circles growing up, who as adults have totally turned their backs on God and all they were taught blaming their parents. and i get that. that some had horrible home lives, etc. but i like how you choose to see the positive perspective. she loved. “just in a different way.” 

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